Home › Forums › Getstrength Community Forum – Strength and Conditioning Training Archives › Strength / Mass / Power / Speed Programs › Bigger, Stronger, Quicker The Eternal triangle of conditioning to play back row in Ru › Re: Bigger, Stronger, Quicker The Eternal triangle of conditioning to play back row in Ru
Hey Ben welcome on board I hope we can provide some useful information that can assist you in reaching you training and playing goals, as to the ladder and hurdle series, I would go to you tube and see what they have or invest in a good DVD that outlines the basic moves on each, the forward series is just moving in a facing forward direction and lateral is just side on to the ladder, you can find a good DVD at http://www.speedpowerstability.com also the march, skip and run series on the mini hurdles is the same as for ladders, I would say just 10 minutes of total time on these 2 modalities with an easy walk back in between each effort with a short acceleration out of both ladders and hurdles, I think as you say you maybe trying to over analyse it is just a very basic movement pattern, you are probably doing it correctly already but if you video and send to me I can look at it for you. Since you do not have a tyre I think the best alternative is a walking zercher lift, where you perform a zercher lift from the floor and stand up with it and walk 2 paces then put it down and go again, great for outdoors, again good old you tube will have some video of it also I am sure that Steve can video at his gym and put it on the site, go well, ash