Home › Forums › Getstrength Community Forum – Strength and Conditioning Training Archives › Articles Archives › Damian Marsh Archives › Speed & Agility Training for Rugby – The Warm Up › Re: Speed & Agility Training for Rugby – The Warm Up
thats absolutely grand mate, loads for me to get stuck into there
yeah your definitely right, i wish clubs had more training for focus on skill, with only two club trainings a week, including teams runs and some fitness, there is very little time really for skills
i will try and take a ball for a lot of the speed sessions, and do it with a mate or two and add some game specific dimensions to increase skill levels.
also agree about thefatigue comment, have made the mistake of being heavy legged in game, thinking a ihad all these quality sessions under my belt from the previous week!! over here london wasps seem to have got this to a tee, when it comes to the business end of the season they are all fresher and fitter than rivals, but from people ive spoke to this is often due to specific scaling of workouts.
thanks again mate, its much appreciated, hope all is well your side of the world