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Hi there I would have you in one of metabolic groups to begin with doing somwhting like the following 4 days a week:
Metabolic Group – 4 sessions per week
1 x Beastly Circuit Body Weight Blitz
Dead Lift/Power Clean from Hang/Front Squat/Push Press/High Pull from Hang/Bent Over Row/Romanian Dead Lift
6 reps on each exercise, do not put the bar down for the entire 42 reps, then do a hard 3 minutes on a bike, repeat for 6 times through, then:
Chins/Dips/Fast Step Ups (20)/Fat Man’s Chins/Hindu Push Ups/BW Jump Squat (20)/Push Ups/Lunges (20 each leg)
All upper body movements go to failure then move to next exercise in sequence, keep working through until you have finished 30 minutes
1 x Full Body Power Circuit
DB Snatch/Jump/Quarter Explosive Squat/Jump/Split Jerk/UBP/Cable Rotation Tackle Throw/UBP/Bench Press with bands/UBP 500 metres on rowing machine
5 reps on each exercise then 500 metres row on each circuit, repeat for 5 times.
Jump Options:
Knees to feet jump, Jump onto Box, Depth Jump (advanced), Repeat Hurdle Jumps, Band Jump outs, Tuck Jumps
Upper Body Plyos (UBP):
Clap Chest Push Ups, Clap Push Ups, Jump Ups onto a box, Med Ball Drop & Push away, Cross Over Push Ups, Med Ball Throw against a Wall, Wheelbarrow Arm Hops
1 x Full Body Strength
Select one (1) exercise from each of the following categories, use the same exercise for 3 weeks then change the exercise and repeat the 3 week progression
Lower: Week 1 – 5,4,3,2,1 Week 2 – 4 x 6 Week 3 – 2 x 5, 3 x 3 Week 4 – 4 x 6
1 x Full Body exercise
1 x Squat exercise
1 x Hamstring/Lower Back
1 x Upper Body Push/Pull super sets
1 x Upper Body Push/Pull
Select 3 exercises from each group and perform a super set, short rest only:
3 sets each exercises with the following reps:
Week 1 – 10,8,6 Week 2 – 8,6,4 Week 3 – 7,5,3 Week 4 – 4 x 6
Core Training:
After each workout out, select from the following options and do a core circuit, for 10 minutes total time:
Suit case Dead Lifts, Rollouts, Swiss Ball Leg Raises, Turkish Get Ups, Full Body Twist, Bicycle, Sprinter’s Sit Up, Boxer’s Sit Up, Rainbows, Swiss Ball Sit Up & Throw Med Ball, Russian Twist on Back Extension, Cable Wood Chops
As for conditioning I would do each of the following one session per week:
Swim intervals I can provide you with a few options if you wish
Cross Training
As for running I would start with 2 x 45 minute fartlek cross country style runs, I would so these schedule for 3 months and see where you are then and we can re-focus from there, so a weekly schedule may look like this:
Monday: Power Circuit, Boxing
Tuesday: Full Body Strength, Fartlek Run
Wednesday: Wrestle, Swim intervals
Thursday: Upper Body Size/Strength, Cross Training session
Friday: Body Weight Blitz/Beastly circuit, fartlek run
Weekend: Free/recovery
cheers, ashley