Following health and wellness blogs is a great and easy step toward improving your quality of life. However, not every blog caters to all tastes. Here are 4 different health and wellness blogs to follow that will shed new light on age-old topics, and teach you ways to incorporate a healthy lifestyle into your routine

1) Dumbbells Reviews
Dumbbells Reviews is a site that posts articles and reviews about fitness and bodybuilding equipment to save their readers time and money. They have a team dedicated to buying and testing out products to find out which are most beneficial, while keeping cost in mind. Dumbbells Reviews has been featured on Men’s Health, Healthline, WebMD, and The Telegraph.
Along with their fitness equipment reviews, the blog offers tons of helpful and informative articles about subjects such as:
• Diabetes prevention
• Health benefits of different foods
• Obesity prevention
They even post articles about how to get picky children to eat healthier. The dumbbellsreview site is a great blog to follow for general health advice, as well as specialized articles on fitness equipment.
2) The Minimalists
The Minimalists is a blog and podcast that focuses on helping people live meaningful lives through minimalism. Minimalism focuses on eliminating unnecessary clutter and material possessions that we assign too much meaning to, often resulting in a decline of mental health care. The Minimalists teach people how to live a minimalist life without strictly following “rules” or “guidelines”.
Their blog posts focus on topics such as:
• How to organize your material possessions
• Letting go of bad relationships
• Dealing with digital clutter
• Eating healthy on a budget
This blog focuses less on physical fitness and more on thinking and feeling well. Mental health is just as important as physical health, which is why this is a great blog to follow along with the usual fitness and cooking blogs.
3) Bites of Wellness
Bites of Wellness is a blog that primarily contains recipes and food advice, as well as meal plans, wellness tips, and workout guidance. They post recipes that are healthy, delicious, and simple to replicate at home. Most of these recipes take less than 30 minutes to make, which proves you don’t need to spend hours on meals for them to be healthy.
The site also has tons of recipes that are allergen-friendly, such as:
• Gluten free
• Dairy free
• Diet-friendly: low carb, paleo, plant-based, vegan, and vegetarian
They also feature recipes for candy and desserts that are tasty but won’t break your diet, for those of us who can’t help eating a chocolate bar or a piece of pie every once in awhile. Bites of Wellness is a great blog to follow if you’re having trouble balancing diet with exercise, or if you just want great recipes to recreate at home.
4) Precision Nutrition
Precision Nutrition is a blog that hosts nutrition and lifestyle coaches with a goal to transform how people think about health and fitness. They achieve this through education, technology, and remote coaching. Their website has several topic categories to choose from, depending on your area of interest.
Categories include:
• Exercise
• Food & nutrition
• Health & disease
• Healthy recipes
• Psychology
They also have helpful infographics that help you visualize what you’re trying to learn, so it’s easy to read and ingest information. Precision Nutrition’s blog serves as a great one-stop shop for all of your health questions.
Bottom Line
Blogs are an amazing way to find information, guidance, and opinions on a variety of subjects. Follow these blogs to start living your healthiest and happiest life.