Author Ashley Jones
Just a guide for distances if you are limited only to running on a rugby field, based on a 100m length and a 70m width, you can get a variety of distances and patterns, you can also use the “Cards of Death” and place each different run on the back of a business card and draw them out at random as the runs for the session.
All distances are based on Pythagoras formula, A squared + B squared = C squared and are rounded up or down to the nearest whole number for convenience. Hopefully my math will hold up but please check if you feel so inclined.
Full Field = 340 metres
¾ Field = 296 metres
½ Field = 240 metres
¼ Field = 184 metres
Full ie; corner flag to middle of far posts to corner flag to start point = 282 metres
¾ ie; corner flag to middle of far 22m line to corner flag to start point= 241 metres
½ ie; corner flag to mid point on 50 m line to corner flag to start point = 192 metres
¼ ie; corner flag to mid point of near 22 m line to corner flag to start point = 153 metres
Corner post to junction of near 22 m line and side line = 73 metres
Corner post to junction of 50 m line and side line = 86 metres
Corner post to junction of far 22 m line and side line = 105 metres
Corner to corner = 122 metres
Coat Hanger
Start at junction of 50 m line and side line sprint around goal post then around far goal post and finish at start point = 217 metres depending on arc around goal posts
Rugby Field Suicide Drill a la Basketball
Try line to near 22m to try line to 50m to try line to far 22m to try line to far try line back to start = 500 metres
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