Author Ashley Jones
In season training is often problematic with trying to fit in all elements of a strength & conditioning program and the added effects of coming out of one game and preparing for the next game often with a seven day or less turn around period.
The following is based on a full week period from game to game, there are a lot of options in it to ensure that player’s needs and individual preferences are catered for. What is listed below is for a healthy player, there are a number of options for player’s who are damaged but the one I like most to stress is that an injury should not stop you from training. By this I mean that if you have one limb that can not be trained then in most situations you can still get an effective other limb workout. Also by training the uninjured limb you will get some neural cross over effect to the damaged limb and thereby not lose all your gains on that side as well.
For this reason we have a lot of Hammer Strength pieces in our gym and also the self spotting equipment to load dumbbells onto so we can train single limbs, the other piece of equipment that has been well utilized is our Belt Squat machine, this ensure we can keep the lower body trained even if we have an upper limb/shoulder/neck problem since the loading is placed directly on the hips.
I hope the matrix below gives you a few ideas on how to adjust your in-season training to meet your needs within the team framework, cheers, Ashley
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