Strength & Power Continuum Training
Ashley Jones
Following on from some discussions I had with colleagues in the Northern Hemisphere during the Wallaby Spring Tour I though I would re-visit some strength programming concepts to cover all my bases on the Strength/Power continuum in each workout that I program.
The key areas that I feel need to be addressed in a workout structured in a way to stimulate all aspect of the force velocity curve are as follows:
- Ballistic
- Speed Strength
- Strength Speed
- Maximal Strength
I think Plyometrics can be included with or without Ballistics as my initial exercise or session “primer” (if you prefer that terminology) to commence the training session.
Movement Speed
In a paper written by Louie Simmons on the speeds for Tendo use he devised this template to work from:
- Speed Strength – Squat/Bench – 0.8 – 1.0 metres/second
- Strength Speed – Squat/Bench – 0.6 – 0.7 metres/second
- Absolute Strength – Squat/Bench – 0.3 – 0.5 metres/second
And when using the modified Olympic lifts the following:
Power Clean 1.25 metres/second
Power Snatch 1.50 metres/second
Block/Hang Clean 1.35 metres/second
Block/Hang Snatch 1.60 metres.second
Schmidtbleicher previously had looked at the percentages of maximum when attempting to train either inter-muscular co-ordination and intra-muscular co-ordination. His reccomendations were are follows –
- Inter-muscular co-ordination – 25 – 40% of 1RM
- Intra-muscular co-ordination – 60 – 80% of 1RM
- Maximal strength >80% of 1RM
Program Design
When constructing a program to train all aspects of the force velocity curve I would recommend the following sets and reps:
- Ballistic 2 x 12
- (Or until visually/proprioceptively as the movement begins to slow)
- Speed Strength 3 x 6
- Strength Speed 6 x 3
- Maximal Strength (see below)
Maximal Strength
With maximal strength programming, I have used the following with good success:
Straight Set Wave Loading
Perform all sets for a given exercise before moving onto the next exercise.
- Box Squat
- 6 @ 100kg
- 5 @ 120kg
- 4 @ 140kg
This can be done over a 3 week block where the subsequent weeks take the loading down to a heavy double or single, add around 2.5% on the second wave.
- Week 1 – 2 x (6,5,4)
- Week 2 – 2 x (5,4,3)
- Week 3 – 2 x (4,3,2)
Marsh Protocol
4 x 6 either changing each week for a four week period or using a different method for each of 4 total sets of 6 in one workout.
- 4 x 6 – straight style with no rest in between each rep
- 4 x 3/3 – 3 reps rest 10 seconds then perform a further 3 reps
- 4 x 2/2/2 – 15 seconds rest in between each block of 2 reps
- 4 x 1/1/1/1/1/1 – 20 seconds rest between each single rep
Thornley Variation
4 x 3/2/1 – 3 reps add weight rest 10 seconds
2 reps add weight rest 15 seconds
1 rep
So as an example using a session from a Pull, Push & Squat program
- Medicine Ball Scoop throws in the vertical plane
- Power Snatch from Blocks at knee height
- Power Cleans from floor
- Deadlift
Cheers, Ashley Jones
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