Attention: USA Customers New USA Distributor of the Getstrength Front Squat Zercher Harness Hi Team, To celebrate the new official USA distributor of the World Famous Getstrength Front Squat Zercher Harness, Mike from is running a super hot introductory price! Please note sale will not last! In Stock now and ready to ship! Visit this link for US Sale: Sorry team, sale is from in the … [Read more...] about New USA Distributor of the Getstrength Front Squat Zercher Harness
zercher harness
Preferred Zercher set up position with the Harness
Hi Team, Quick post to let you know about the most common and preferred Zercher set up position with the Harness. Buy your Harness direct online from our secure store - Front Squat Zercher Harness … [Read more...] about Preferred Zercher set up position with the Harness
Updated Weight Classes for the Front Squat Harness World Record Board Save 49.52 On Your Harness
Save 49.52 USD on the GS Front Squat Zercher Harness Hi Team, We have slashed the price of our Front Squat Zercher Harness for 48 hours only! Why? Because we have expanded our Famous Front Squat Harness World Record Board Now 8 Body weight Classes, plus Men's Open, Masters 40+, Masters 50+ Special Price Link - front-squat-harness-usd New World Record Board and Rules: New Front Squat Harness designer T Shirts - … [Read more...] about Updated Weight Classes for the Front Squat Harness World Record Board Save 49.52 On Your Harness
Amazon Introductory Special Price GS Front Squat Zercher Harness
Hi Team, We are proud to announce as of today the famous Getstrength Front Squat Zercher Harness will be available on To celebrate this we are offering the Getstrength Front Squat Zercher Harness at an introductory special price *Limited time *Only while stock lasts … [Read more...] about Amazon Introductory Special Price GS Front Squat Zercher Harness
New Australian Distributor of the World Famous GS Front Squat Zercher Harness : Iron Edge
New Australian Distributor of the World Famous GS Front Squat Zercher Harness : Iron Edge Iron Edge without doubt is the number one supplier of Strength and Conditioning Equipment in Australia. and Iron Edge share the simple philosophy of only the best will do. is proud to announce that Iron Edge is the exclusive Australian distributor for the World famous Getstrength Front Squat Zercher Harness. You can buy the World famous Getstrength Front Squat Harness … [Read more...] about New Australian Distributor of the World Famous GS Front Squat Zercher Harness : Iron Edge
Are there any Disadvantages to the Front Squat Harness All Sport (compact) other than not being able to do Zercher Squats?
Are there any disadvantages to the Front Squat Harness All Sport (compact), other than not being able to do Zercher Squats? Are there any disadvantages to the Front Squat Harness All Sport (compact), other than not being able to do Zercher Squats? Thanks for the question... The Front Squat Harness All Sport (compact) has limited top pin position. It all depends on how much weight you will be lifting. The Getstrength Front Squat and Zercher Harness has two top pin positions, this will give … [Read more...] about Are there any Disadvantages to the Front Squat Harness All Sport (compact) other than not being able to do Zercher Squats?