Hi Getstrength, I am a personal trainer and really like using the strength bands with my clients, they are just so versatile. The only problem is, how do I know the resistance level of each band? i.e If I have a client doing assisted pull ups, how do I know how many kgs of assistance is being applied at the bottom?Hey, thanks very much for the email. This is a great question, we get asked this a lot.It is very tricky to answer because there are so many variables, for an example, how you set the … [Read more...] about How to Measure the Resistance of Strength Bands
Wrist Wraps – What is a thumb loop?
Hi Team,I get asked a lot about the thumb loop on the Wrist Wraps, so I thought it may make for a interesting article for the "How to and Why" section on Getstrength.com"What is the idea behind thumb loop on the wrist wrap and do I have to use it?"Seems simple right...... Well its definitely up to the individual.The thumb loop on the wrist wrap can be used to help adjust the tension of the wrist wrap depending on the individual athlete's requirements but by no means is it crucial, most athletes … [Read more...] about Wrist Wraps – What is a thumb loop?
Lifting Hooks have their place in your gym bag
Why would i want Lifting Hooks in my gym bag, isn't using steel lifting hooks just a cop out? Thanks for the email. Once upon a time, I would have completely agreed with you, but lately, I have come to the realisation that just about every training aid serves a purpose and there are arguments that can be made for and against the use of training aids. We have all heard the argument with regards to grip strength and its importance. "You are only as strong as your weakest point". Don't get me … [Read more...] about Lifting Hooks have their place in your gym bag
How to use the Front Squat Harness All-Sport Correctly
In my last article "Are there any disadvantages to the Front Squat Harness All Sport (compact), other than not being able to do Zercher Squats" I touched on how to use the new Getstrength Front Squat Harness All-Sport. In this article, I would like to go into more detail on technique with the Harness. Now the new FSH All-Sport is not to be confused with the existing They both are used to improve the Front Squat technique but they are very different in how they feel and how they are to be … [Read more...] about How to use the Front Squat Harness All-Sport Correctly
Summer Boxing Routine
With summer only around the corner in New Zealand, I thought I would pull this great boxing routine out of the archives. Designed by Ashley Jones who at the time was the Crusaders Strength Conditioning Coach. This is a grueling session but what a great way to drop some body fat and get fit for the long hot summer ahead. Enjoy Steve Thompson Boxing Session Warm up 60 seconds each Overs/Unders/Hooks then swap with partner then L jab for 30 secs then R jab for 30 secs then … [Read more...] about Summer Boxing Routine
Why you need Weightlifting Shoes!
Hi Getstrength, I would like to ask a couple of questions. Why do i need Weightlifting Shoes and what is the difference between the Weightlifting shoes you sell and the Lifting Shoes? Hey, great questions! Why do I need Weightlifting Shoes? Let start by explaining why you need Weightlifting Shoes and not sneakers.We are in the business of selling shoes, so this may come as a surprise but I am going to be completely honest with you, not everybody will require weightlifting shoes to train … [Read more...] about Why you need Weightlifting Shoes!
How to use Knee Wraps
This how-to and why article and video areN on "How To Use Knee Wraps For Effectiveness and Safety During Squatting." Coming from an NZ Powerlifting background, I have wrapped my own knees and other people's knees a few thousand times. It becomes second nature after a while, but looking around you will find most people wrap differently. I have put together a video of the simplest and most effective ways of wrapping your own knees. These are basic wrapping techniques there are more advanced ways … [Read more...] about How to use Knee Wraps
Bench Press Setup with Strength Bands
For those of you who don't know who I am and are thinking, "who is this clown?" - I have competed in two IPF World Powerlifting Championships.I am the holder of four New Zealand Powerlifting records and two All-round Weightlifting World records. I have been competing in the sport of Powerlifting for more than 15 years and have Bench Pressed double bodyweight in three weight classes.145kg @ 67.5kg, 165kg @ 75kg and 172.5kg @ 82.5kg bodyweight. Best 4 board press of … [Read more...] about Bench Press Setup with Strength Bands
Why Should I use Knee Sleeves
I had an email today from a customer, they were asking the question " Why should I use Knee Sleeves?" I have compiled a list of 20 reasons why you should train with knee sleeves. I would like to thank all the Getstrength Facebook page fans in help with creating this list. Regards Steve Thompson Knee Sleeves can help prevent injury Gives your Knees support during exercise. Knee Sleeves use compression to increases blood flow. Knee Sleeves can help reduce pain in … [Read more...] about Why Should I use Knee Sleeves