Off Season Physical Preparation for the Advanced Athlete with Questions and Answers
By Ashley Jones
AM – Repeated Speed/Interval session
(see end of document)
PM – Full Body Weights
1 x Olympic,
Week 1: 4 x 6 @ 80%
Week 2: 4 x 3/3 cluster with 15 secs between each cluster of 3 @ 85%
Week 3: 4 x 2/2/2 cluster with 15 seconds between each cluster of 2 @ 90%
Week 4: 4 x 1/1/1/1/1/1 with 15 seconds between each rep @ 95%
1 x Squat
Week 1 – 4x6
Week 2 – 6,5,4
Week 3 – 5,4,3
Week 4 - 4,3,2
2 x Horizontal Push/Pull Upper
Week 1 – 4x6(first exercise) & 3 x 8 (second exercise)
Week 2 – 5 x 5 & 2 x 12
Week 3 – 6 x 4 & 4 x 6
Week 4 – 2 x 12 & 5 x 5
Cross Training option select one from the booklet
Boxing/Wrestling/Martial Art
AM – Speed/Weights combo session or just speed first and strength/power after the session if you can not combine the two areas
10 minutes of general movement drills as warm up; then
Fast Feet Footwork Ladders
(use a variety of options with a run out)
Mini Hurdles
(forward & lateral series – march, skip & run)
Harness work
(forward & lateral series – march, skip & run)
Gym – Power Snatch 6 x 3 @ 60 – 80% super set with 3 knees to feet jumps with DBs held in hands
10 x 15 metres from 5 different start positions
Parachute & Release
22 or 28 metres with parachute then 28 or 22 metres without it, walk back recoveries x 8
Gym – Hang Clean 4 x 4 super set with 4 Rebound Depth Jumps
Bounds 4 x 50 metres with walk through to far end recovery
Sled Sprints
6 x 22 metres with a sled + 20kg, full recovery between reps
Gym – 1/4 Explosive Squat or Jump Squats or Band Box Squats 5 x 5 super set with 5 repeat long jumps
PM – Upper Body Weights
1 x Barbell Upper Body Push/Pull super set week 1 – 6,5,4 week 2 – 5,4,3 week 3 – 4,3,2
1 x DB Upper Body Push/Pull super set week 1 – 12,10,8 week 2 – 10,8,6 week 3 – 8,6,4
1 x BW Upper Body Push/Pull super set (3 x max reps non stop 6 sets)
week 1 – Hindu Push ups/Fat Mans Chins week 2 – Dips/Chins week 3 – Handstand Push ups/Rope in each hand chin ups
Cross Training option select one from the booklet
Boxing/Wrestling/Martial Art
AM – Hill Repeats(See booklet for further options)
Week 1: 1 x 5 min, 5 x 3 min, 5 x 1min (1:0.5 walk back recovery)
Week 2: 15 x 60secs/30secs (1:0.5 walk back recovery)
Week 3: 10 x 60secs/45secs/30secs/15secs (1:1 walk back recovery)
Week 4: 15 x 30secs/15secs/45secs (1:1 walk back recovery)
PM – Full Body Weights
1 x DeadLift
Week 1: 4 x 6 @ 80%
Week 2: 4 x 3/3 cluster with 15 secs between each cluster of 3 @ 85%
Week 3: 4 x 2/2/2 cluster with 15 seconds between each cluster of 2 @ 90%
Week 4: 4 x 1/1/1/1/1/1 with 15 seconds between each rep @ 95%
1 x Single Leg Option
Week 1 – 4x6
Week 2 – 6,5,4
Week 3 – 5,4,3
Week 4 - 4,3,2
2 x Vertical Push/Pull Upper
Week 1 – 4x6(first exercise) & 3 x 8 (second exercise)
Week 2 – 5 x 5 & 2 x 12
Week 3 – 6 x 4 & 4 x 6
Week 4 – 2 x 12 & 5 x 5
Conditioning Options
60 minutes
1 minute spin with high leg speed
1 minute out of the seat climb with a heavy resistance on the bike
45 minute steady state ride with a burst of speed every 2 minutes for 20 to 45 seconds
Mountain bike ride for 60 – 90 minutes your choice of terrain and location, challenge yourself.
30 x 45 seconds on try and row greater than 220 metres then 15 second rest then 15 minutes continuous how far can you row?
Interval ladder
1 minute hard @
2 minutes hard @ < 1:40
3 minutes hard @
4 minutes hard @ < 1:55
5 minutes hard @ < 2:00
rest 30 seconds between efforts and 2 minutes between sets, do 4 sets
Hypoxic 200’s – first 50 breathe every 2 strokes, next 50 breathe every 4 strokes, next 50 breathe every 6 strokes, last 50 breath every 8 strokes. Rest half the time it took you to swim the 200. Do 10 reps
50 metre repeats: swim a hard 50m then using your arms only drive up and out of the pool then walk back and go again x 30
45 minute steady state swim
Repeated Speed/Interval Run options
Session 1
5 minute run warm up steady pace
20 x 40 secs with 20 secs rest must run between 175 – 200m each repetition
5 minute run steady pace
Session 2
5 minute run warm up steady pace
6 sets x (40m, 80m, 120m) jog back recoveries with 3 minute walk between sets
5 minute run steady pace
Session 3
5 minute run warm up steady pace
10 x 400m sprint the bends and jog the straights, continuous
5 minute run steady pace
Session 4
5 minute run warm up steady pace
15 x 200m in 40 seconds with 20 seconds rest then 100m in 20 seconds with 40 seconds
5 minute run steady pace
Session 5
5 minute run warm up steady pace
30 x 100 in < 17 seconds going every 45 seconds
5 minute run steady pace
Session 6
5 minute run warm up steady pace
18 Holes of Fartlek Gold Course running, ¾ pace the Par 5’s, fast pace the Par 4’s and sprint the Par 3’s, walk from green to next tee
5 minute run steady pace
Session 7
5 minute run warm up steady pace
20 x 1/2 Gasser – start lying face down with chin on sideline get up sprint to the other side of the field, go down get up and sprint back to other side, recover, go every 60 seconds and try and keep the work time under 27 seconds
5 minute run steady pace
Session 8
Beep Test; then
20 x 50 metres sprints with walk through to other end of field, immediate turn and go; then
Beep Test again but starting at level 8
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