Lifting weights helps you build your muscle strength, but if you want that strength to be beneficial in some other activities as well, such as group sports or running everyday errands, you have to build your endurance too.Your stamina plays a significant role in your overall fitness level and performance and to be able to increase it, you need to commit to healthier habits, such as getting enough sleep or following a healthy and well-balanced diet. To get some great results, it’s a good idea to … [Read more...] about How to Increase Endurance if You’re Lifting Weights
Strength Training Articles
Thoughts to fail our minds
Do you have any questions or need support? John is happy to help, please visit his site for more information. Website: neptune or Email: × Dismiss alert I must open up this piece of writing with a statement to let you the reader know of my academical status and also make you aware of my non formal training. I am not a councillor, a physiologist nor a psychiatrist. This piece is based on my opinion, my experience and work with … [Read more...] about Thoughts to fail our minds
Tokyo Training – Ricoh Rugby
I was recently in Tokyo and was able to spend time with a colleague and friend Andrew Jackson, formerly of Christchurch, but now Head strength and conditioning coach of Ricoh rugby club, based in Setagaya, Tokyo. Ricoh is one of the 14 teams that make up the Top League competition within the Japan Rugby Union. I am very impressed with what Andrew has put together in his weight room to be able to train a squad of 50 players in just under 2 hours. The method he uses is both ingenious in both its … [Read more...] about Tokyo Training – Ricoh Rugby
More Random Ideas and Thoughts – Fergus Strength Coach
I'm on a roll .... well I think so ... Might as well write the rest of them ... Using averages is not a great way to assess sport - As someone pointed out to me once you might win your last 3 games by an combined average of 3 points and think that they were similar or good steady performances. However the winning margins might have been 1, 2 & 6 ... this is very different than winning by 3, 3 & 3. Using averages or statistics can be tricky - if you want to read on it try anything by … [Read more...] about More Random Ideas and Thoughts – Fergus Strength Coach
Simplicity – Ashley Jones
As Thibadeau has been quoted as saying “complexity is the language of simple minds” this being a truism, I would like to believe that the reverse is also true that simplicity is the outcome of a complex questioning mind. I am a Physical Performance coach for rugby, so I have to juggle all the physical training elements to ensure that performance on the field each week is optimized. To allow one “fitness’ variable to excel at the detriment of another will at some stage have a negative … [Read more...] about Simplicity – Ashley Jones
20 minutes to save a life By John Rahme
“If you had a patient that was ill, and there was a pill which they could take, which would in return save their life. But they had to take that pill and stand still there for 20 minutes a day. Would you expect them to do that?” the doctor replied yes to my question. “What if the patient was yourself? would you do that?” the doctor stared at me in surprise, then answered, “yes, yes I would.” I was asked to speak at a seminar to a group of Doctors in training to become specialists as such in a … [Read more...] about 20 minutes to save a life By John Rahme
Fun with Blocks
Block work I believe is a much under used modality for training, often just the domain of Olympic lifters, it can add both variety and supplement your more traditional training elements. A good solid set of pulling blocks should form the cornerstone of every gym from the garage dwellers to Olympic training centres around the world. By performing your pulling/Olympic movements from different starting positions you train different portions of the kinetic chain and specifically … [Read more...] about Fun with Blocks
Building a Better Strength and Conditioning Coach – Ashley Jones
I am not a sports scientist; I am a strength and conditioning coach. One man’s opinion.No matter what else the person has if they can not communicate, empathise and organize then every other qualification they have is useless.Personally, I do not think you need a degree to do this job, it helps when things are not going right to have something to fall back upon to rationalize but it is not the be all and end all or the first thing I would look at if employing someone.I know of an excellent coach … [Read more...] about Building a Better Strength and Conditioning Coach – Ashley Jones
Advanced Exercises with Eastern European Names: Part I
Many strength coaches have a well guarded secret. And that secret is this: strength exercises typically have boring and lackluster names. So to make them sound more interesting and exotic, the name of an Eastern Bloc country is added to the movement, transforming an ordinary squat into a Bulgarian Squat and the average deadlift into a Romanian deadlift! Clients are always far more impressed if they are performing a Hungarian Chin Up* rather than a plain old chin up! And it's now becoming very … [Read more...] about Advanced Exercises with Eastern European Names: Part I