I have noticed you guys manufacture four different types of Safety Squat Bars, can you explain the difference to me please?
Thank you for your email. Yes we do manufacture here in Auckland New Zealand four different types of Safety Squat Bars, The Cambered Safety Squat Bar, The Safety Squat Legacy Bar, Standard Safety Squat Bar and the Squat Squat Bar custom for fat plates. Each individually handcrafted.
I will go through and explain the difference,one at a time. Starting with the original Legacy Bar.
Safety Squat Bar Legacy: This bar was the very first bar Getstrength ever manufactured back in 2001, it was built for Ashley Jones who at the time was the Super Rugby team the Crusaders Head Strength and Conditioning Coach. We were very honored to be able to supply the specialty bars for one of the greatest Strength and Conditioning Coaches I have ever had the privilege to work with I now consider Ash a close friend.

The bar design has slightly changed since then, but the bar fundamentals have not, the yoke angles and materials are all still the original. Tried and tested since 2001. The bar has 50mm mild steel ends( Sleeves).
Since the bar has 50mm ends, it will fit all Competition Olympic Weights on the market, with a snug fit.
There is no weight limit on this bar, and we also guarantee the bar for life (Gold Lion). Its is virtually indestructible and will be in use longer after most of us have retired.
Since this bar has mild steel solid ends you will need to maintain the bar if not in use.
A penetrative spay (WD-40, CRC 5-56) and rag is required to wipe down the bar every few weeks if not being used or the bar needs to be stored.
If the bar has been left in a damp area for several months then a slightly more abrasive approach is needed.
Penetrative spay (WD-40, CRC 5-56) with a light grade sand paper will be required to remove any surface rust that has been obtained during the bars inactivity. (The rust will have no effect on the serviceability of the bar)
The Bar weight comes in at an impressive 28kg. Since this bar was first made in 2001 it has been sold all over the world and is being used by elite athletes all around the world.
Cambered Safety Squat Bar: Much like the GS Safety Squat Bar Legacy, but the main difference is the camber in the bar, both Safety Squat Bars have a camber but the GS Cambered Safety Squat Bar is extreme at twice the camber. With the greater camber more stress is Loaded on to the lower back and glutes. Also get a rounding in the upper-back which you will need to contend with through out the squat. We do not recommend this bar to athletes that have never first conditioned themselves to the standard SS Bar. Gold Lion Lifetime Warranty
Safety Squat Bar: This is a lighter bar coming in at 14kg, but do not let the weight of the bar fool you, this is a super strong bar with no weight limit. It is manufactured out of 4mm heavy pipe. The main deference between this SS Bar and Legacy SS Bar is the ends (Sleeves) the ends on this bar is 4mm heavy pipe. The pipe is 48.3mm so you will need compression collars, spring collars will not give enough compression to hold. Because the ends of the bar are powdercoated you will also get scratching of the paint when adding and removing plates. This will not effect the durability of the bar in any way. The Safety Squat Bar also comes with the Silver Lion 5 year warranty.
GS Safety Squat Bar (Thick Plate Option) : This bar its identical to the Safety Squat Bar except the extra long sleeves and yoke bars: This bar has been designed to accommodate thick bounce Plates or Crossfit Plates. We have built this bar with extra long sleeves 430mm (Same length as the Eleiko Competition Powerlifting Bar), plus in addition to the long sleeves we have added length to the yoke 400mm, to cater for a larger variety of body types. Silver lion 5 Year Warranty