Congratulations to Kelly Gray from Australia for smashing not only the masters 40+ World Record but taking the open World Record as well!
Kelly Gray Australia 462.97 lbs Front Squat with the Getstrength Front Squat Harness @ Bodyweight 216.05 lbs
43 years old
– weight 97kgs
– height 176cm’s
– live in Brisbane Australia
– at work I am a co-director of my own mid sized architectural practice
– have been involved in sport from age 5 playing cricket, football, rugby, and Australian rules football all at various stages, finishing my Aussie rules playing days only 3 years ago at age 40. I have been lifting for 5 years and will continue to do so as long as my body will let me. It is now my favorite pastime and the gym my second home.
I have just had a shoulder reconstruction which will put any upper body work out of play for some time, but plan on using the rehab period to focus on leg work so that when I am back to full speed I can have a crack at getting the GS front squat record weights up even further.
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GS Front Squat Harness World Records Official Board
Front Squat Harness World Record Announcements
All time top 10 Front Squat / Zercher Harness lifts
1. James Pitbull Searcy (USA)B/W 339lbs Weight 600 Lbs Date 2/10/2011 video confirmation
2. Dave Napper (Australia )B/W 261.25 lbs Weight 551.16 lbs Date 21/7/2015 video confirmation
3. Steve Lousich (New Zealand)B/W 242 lbs Weight 507 lbs Date 10/8/2008 video confirmation
4. Steve Kelly (New Zealand)B/W 359lbs Weight 507 lbs Date 31/8/2014 video confirmation
5. Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen (Norway) B/W 230.78 lbs Weight 456.5 lbs Date 18/08/2012 video confirmation
6. Jesse Kellum (USA) B/W 213lbs Weight 455 lbs Date: 01/05/2012 video video confirmation
7. Ray Owen (Australia) B/W 204lbs Weight 440.9 lbs Date 18/7/2014 video confirmation
8. Jono Macfarlane (New Zealand) B/W Weight 440 lbs Date 6/7/2008 video confirmation
9. Steve Kelly (Australia) B/W 216.05 lb Weight 462.97 lbs Date 04/12/2015 video Confirmation
10 Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen (Norway) B/W 228 lbs Weight 424.39 lbs Date 27/07/2012 video Confirmation